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Files - browser-side methods

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User-uploaded files, such as images, PDFs or Word documents, are part of every Apostrophe site.

On the browser side, you may encounter file objects when interacting with Apostrophe's web APIs or subclassing the slideshow widget editor.

All of these methods are methods of the apos object, which is global in the browser.

Obtaining URLs for files and images

filePath(file, options)

Given a file object, as returned by aposAreaFile for instance, return the file's URL. If options.size is set, return the URL for that size (one-sixth, one-third, one-half, two-thirds, full).

full is "full width" (1140px), not the original. For the original, don't pass size. Note that the size option only makes sense for images.

Additional image sizes can be configured on a per-project basis.

There is a matching server-side JavaScript implementation accessible as apos.filePath, and also a Nunjucks helper, aposFilePath.

Always use this function to create URLs to files. Otherwise your code will cease to work if your project's file storage is moved to Amazon S3 at a later date.

Real-world example:

// Let's fetch all of the images
// tagged "marquee" and append them
// to a "marquee" div

$.jsonCall('/apos/browse-files', {
  tag: 'marquee'
}, function(results) {
  var files = results.files;
  var $marquee = $('.marquee');
  _.each(files, function(file) {
    var $img = $('<img />');
    $img.attr('src', apos.filePath(file, { size: 'one-third' }));

Of course most of the time you'd be better off solving this problem on the server side, typically just by including a slideshow widget in a page template.

Next: Files - nunjucks helpers →