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Files - server-side methods

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User-uploaded files, such as images, PDFs or Word documents, are part of every Apostrophe site.

Apostrophe stores information about these in the aposFiles MongoDB collection. A rich API is provided to browse, upload, annotate and display files.

The actual files themselves can be found in the public/uploads/files folder, if you're not using Amazon S3 for storage via uploadfs. However, for best compatibility, you should always use the methods and Nunjucks helpers of Apostrophe to determine URLs for them.

A typical file object looks like this:

  "_id": "78120023818271972",
  // Might be "images" or "office"
  "group": "images",
  "createdAt": "2014-11-06T20:52:24.656Z",
  // Part of the filename
  "name": "bloque-cover",
  "title": "bloque cover",
  // Standardized, always 3 lowercase letters
  "extension": "jpg",
  // Dimensions of original
  "width": 1553,
  "height": 971,
  // Or "portrait": true
  "landscape": true,
  // Corresponding person is in aposPages
  "ownerId": "674614893112991444",
  // An array of existing cropped versions
  // of the file
  "crops": [
      "top": "17",
      "left": "0",
      "width": "1553",
      "height": "936"
  // Detailed description, if provided
  "description": "Lots of details",
  // The artist
  "credit": "Ansel Adams",
  // Tags improve media library searches
  "tags": [

All of these methods are methods of the apos object. You can access the apos object in app.js as site.apos. When subclassing one of Apostrophe's modules it is accessible as self._apos.

Finding files in the database

Use these methods to search across all files in your Apostrophe website. Because they are going to the database to find files, they are asynchronous.

getFiles(req, options, callback)

Fetch files according to the parameters specified by the options object.


  • req (object) the current Express request object [TODO: link to tutorial re: req objects], for permissions.
  • options (object) An object containing all options.
  • callback (function) called on completion, with error if any.

Returns (object)

The returned object contains the following information:

  // count of files that match criteria, even
  // if not part of this response due to
  // skip or limit
  total: 100
  // array of file objects
  files: [{...}],
  // distinct set of tags for all of the files
  // matching the criteria
  tags: ['cool', 'awesome'],


// in context
  // TODO

// with all available options, with defaults if applicable
apos.getFiles(req, {
  // Populates a ._owner propery on each file object that is the Person object of the owner if set to true
  // This is set to false by default for performance reasons
  owners: false,
  // Specifies the file type group, by default 'images' and 'office' are available, pass as string
  group: null,
  // Specifies to only returns images owned by current user if set to 'user'
  owner: 'all',
  // Specifies ids to match, pass as array
  ids: null,
  // Specifies the owner id to filter on, pass as string
  ownerId: null,
  // Specifies the tags to filter on, pass as array
  tags: null,
  // Specifies to exclude images that contain the tags, pass as array
  notTags: null,
  // Specifies the extenion to filter on, pass as array
  extension: null,
  // Specifies to filter base on if the file is in the trash or not
  trash: 0,
  // Specifies minimum width and height for photos, pass as array [width, height]
  minSize: null,
  // If true, only files not marked private
  // are returned
  browsing: false,
  // Optional search string
  q: undefined,
  // To start with the 11th file, set skip to 10
  skip: 0,
  // To limit the number of files returned
  // for this particular request
  limit: undefined
}, function(err, files) {
  // ... do something with the files ...

browseFiles(req, options, callback)

This method is identical to getFiles except that:

  1. The browsing option is always set.

  2. All parameters are fully validated as if they came directly from an untrusted web browser. Specifically, it is safe to pass req.body as options.

This method is intended for use in implementing routes that accept browser input.

Finding files in areas

Use these methods to find files that live in areas that belong to a page or snippet. Because they are referencing an area we already have in memory, they are synchronous.

areaFiles(page, 'body'[, options]) (array)

Find files referenced within an area, such as an image in a slideshow widget, or a PDF in a file widget.

Returns all the files matching the criteria.

page (object) A page or snippet object that contains the area

name (string) Name of the area

options (object) optional. An object containing additional options

Real-World Example

Consider this example as might be found in a subclass of snippets.

// in context
var superBeforeShow = self.beforeShow;
self.beforeShow = function(req, snippet, callback) {

  // pass all of the files from my snippet body to the template
  req.extras.bodyFiles = options.apos.areaFiles(snippet, 'body');

  return superBeforeShow(req, snippet, callback);

All Options

apos.areaFiles(page, 'myArea', {
  // Specifies just one acceptable file extension
  extension: 'gif',
  // Specifies multiple acceptable file extensions
  extensions: ['gif', 'png'],
  // Specifies the file type group, by
  // default 'images' and 'office' are available
  group: 'office',
  // Specifies the maximum number of files returned
  limit: 3

// alternative syntax using only an options object
// The area option is required, and it is a direct reference to your area
var files = apos.areaFiles({area: snippet.body});

areaFile(page, 'body' [, options]) (object)

This is a convenience method that returns the first file referenced within an area (an option of limit: 1), and takes all of the same parameters as areaFiles. It also allows for the alternative syntax.

areaImages(page, 'body' [, options]) (array)

This is a convenience method that returns files with a group: 'images' property referenced within an area, and takes all of the same parameters as areaFiles. It also allows for the alternative syntax.

areaImage(page, 'body' [, options]) (object)

This is a convenience method that returns the first file with a group: 'images' property referenced within an area (an option of limit: 1), and takes all of the same parameters as areaFiles. It also allows for the alternative syntax.

Obtaining paths to files

aposFilePath(file, options)

Given a file object, as returned by aposAreaFile for instance, return the file's URL. If options.size is set, return the URL for that size (one-sixth, one-third, one-half, two-thirds, full).

full is "full width" (1140px), not the original. For the original, don't pass size. Note that the size option only makes sense for images.

Additional image sizes can be configured on a per-project basis.

There is a matching client-side JavaScript implementation accessible as apos.filePath.

Always use this function to create URLs to files. Otherwise your code will cease to work if your project's file storage is moved to Amazon S3 at a later date.

By default this function returns a URL, which is almost always what you want. If you need an uploadfs path instead, include uploadfsPath: true among your options. This is useful if you want to retrieve the original file from uploadfs.

Real-world example:

Let's add a route in our subclass of the people module that allows the thumbnail portrait of the current user to be fetched as /profile.

// Send the user's profile image, if any
app.get('/profile', function(req, res) {
  if (!req.user) {
    return fail();
  var image = self._apos.areaImage(req.user, 'thumbnail');
  if (!image) {
    return fail();
  return res.redirect(
    self._apos.filePath(image, { size: 'one-third' })

  function fail() {
    res.statusCode = 404;
    return res.send('notfound');

Now we can write:

<img src="/profile" />

Of course, we could just use aposAreaImage and aposFilePath in our Nunjucks template instead.

Next: Files - browser-side methods →