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Files - web API

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These web API endpoints allow you to manipulate files from browser-side JavaScript code.

What you can do is dependent on who you are. If you are logged out, most of these APIs are typically not available to you. If you are logged in, it depends on your permissions.

Unless noted otherwise, all endpoints both send and receive JSON. You should use jquery-json-call on the browser side to handle this conveniently. Notable expections are endpoints such as /apos/upload-files that upload files to the server. You should always use jQuery File Upload for these.

POST /apos/upload-files

Uploads one or more files to Apostrophe's media library.

POST parameters

  • files (array or object) a single or multiple file upload field, powered by jQuery File Upload

Response object

  status: "ok", // either "ok" or an error
  files: [
      _id: "xxxxx",
      name: "slugified-original-filename",
      extension: "jpg",
      group: "images", // or group: 'office'
      width: 1400,
      height: 800,
      portrait: true, // or orientation: true

If any files are not accepted, an error will be reported as status, and files will be undefined.


{# File upload element. Note we do NOT need a form with #}
{# an enctype because we are using jquery-file-upload. #}
{# Uploads start immediately #}

<input data-my-uploader type="file" name="files[]" data-url="/apos/upload-files" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  // Use jQuery file upload
    dataType: 'json',
    // Avoid slamming the server
    sequentialUploads: true,
    add: function(e, data) {
      // Upload immediately when file is picked
      return data.submit();
    done: function (e, data) {
      if (data.result.files) {
        _.each(data.result.files, function (file) {
          if ( === 'images') {
            var $img = $('<img />');
            var url = apos.filePath(file, { size: 'medium' });


This is a low-level API. If you just want to include file uploads in your website, use the slideshow widget or the files widget.

File uploads and saving other fields are completely decoupled in Apostrophe. You should allow users to upload files as they see fit, record the _id property of the file objects in the responses, and then makes a separate API request to associate those IDs with something on the server.

Apostrophe always uses jQuery File Upload to upload files. You should too.

POST /apos/replace-file

Replace an existing file in Apostrophe's media library.

Query-string parameters

  • id (string) the _id property of an existing file in the media library.

POST parameters

  • files (array or object) a single or multiple file upload field, powered by jQuery File Upload. If multiple files are uploaded only the last one is used.

Response JSON object

  "status": "ok", // either "ok" or an error
  "file": {
    "_id": "xxxxx",
    "name": "slugified-original-filename",
    "extension": "jpg",
    "group": "images", // or group: 'office'
    "width": 1400,
    "height": 800,
    "portrait": true, // or orientation: true

If an error occurs, a 500 status code is returned.


{# File upload element. Note we do NOT need a form with #}
{# an enctype because we are using jquery-file-upload. #}
{# Uploads start immediately #}

<input data-my-replacer type="file" name="files[]" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  // "item" is a file object that we already
  // know about and want to replace. Build
  // the correct URL, including the file ID
  // in the query string
  var url = '/apos/replace-file?id=' + item._id;
  var $upload = $('[data-my-replacer]');
  $upload.attr('data-url', url);
    dataType: 'json',
    add: function(e, data) {
      // Upload immediately when file is picked
      return data.submit();
    done: function (e, data) {
      if (data.result.status === 'ok') {
        // data.result.file now contains the
        // updated file object


Apostrophe always uses jQuery File Upload to upload files. You should too.

POST /apos/crop

Crop an existing image file in Apostrophe's media library. The image becomes available permanently in the new, cropped size in addition to the original size.

Request JSON object

  "_id": "xxxxxx",
  "crop": {
    "top": 100,
    "left": 100,
    "width": 500,
    "height": 500

top, left, width and height are specified in pixels and are always relative to the original image size. Scaled versions of each crop are also generated automatically.


A 200 OK status code indicates success. Any other status indicates failure. There is no additional information available. (TODO: change this to a JSON API.)


$(function() {
  // Our desired cropping coordinates
  var crop = {
    top: 100,
    left: 100,
    width: 500,
    height: 500
  $.post('/apos/crop', {
    _id: item._id,
    crop: crop
  }, function() {
    // Now this image is available forever at
    // the desired cropped size
    $('.my-image').attr('src', apos.filePath(
      item, { crop: crop, size: 'medium' }));
  }).error(function() {
    // cropping failed


Previously generated crops can be discovered via the crops property of each file object.

This is a low-level API. If you just want to let people crop images, use the slideshow widget which already fully supports that.

GET /apos/browse-files

Fetches information about files in Apostrophe's media library matching particular criteria. The response also includes information about the total number of files available and the distinct tags that exist.

Query-string parameters

  • group (string) returns only files with the specified group property, such as images or office.
  • owner (string) if set to user, only files belonging to the current user are returned.
  • owners (boolean) if set to 1, a ._owner property is provided on each returned file. Defaults to false for performance. This property is an object with title and _id properties.
  • ids (array of strings) if set, only the files with the specified _id properties are returned.
  • ownerId (string) if set, only files uploaded by the user with the specified _id are returned.
  • tags (array of strings) if set, only files with one or more of the specified tags are returned.
  • notTags (array of strings) if set, only files with none of the specified tags are returned.
  • extension (string) if set, only files with the specified extension are returned.
  • trash (boolean) if set to 1, only files in the trash are returned. If set to any, files are returned regardless of whether they are in the trash. Otherwise, only files not in the trash are returned.
  • minSize (array of two integers) if specified, only images larger than the specified minimum width and height (in that order) are returned.
  • q (string) if specified, only images matching the specified search text are returned.
  • skip (integer) if skip is 10, the response begins with the eleventh file. For pagination.
  • limit (integer) if limit is 10, no more than 10 files are returned.


If an error occurs, a 500 status code is reported. No additional information is available.

If no files are available, a 404 status code is reported. No additional information is available. This is true even if offset is the cause. This ensures compatibility with jquery-bottomless.

If files are available, a JSON object is sent as follows. Note that total represents all available files, even if skip and limit were used. Also note that a list of distinct tags is provided for use in displaying filters.

  "total": 5039,
  "files": [
      "_id": "78120023818271972",
      "group": "images",
      "createdAt": "2014-11-06T20:52:24.656Z",
      "name": "bloque-cover",
      "title": "bloque cover",
      "extension": "jpg",
      "width": 1553,
      "height": 971,
      "landscape": true,
      "ownerId": "674614893112991444",
      "crops": [
          "top": "17",
          "left": "0",
          "width": "1553",
          "height": "936"
      "description": "",
      "credit": "how about me",
      "tags": [
    ... Many more images ...
  "tags": [
    "academic advising",

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