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Sending Email

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Need to send email? No problem. A2 provides your modules with a ready-to-rock instance of the nodemailer module, which always appears as the email option in your module's constructor.

A2 also provides a convenient mixin that adds an easy email method to your module.

How to use the mixin

Just invoke the mixin like this in your constructor:


Your module must also use the asset mixin. This is already in place if you are subclassing almost any of the standard A2 modules. If not, make sure you invoke it in your constructor:

self._apos.mixinModuleAssets(self, 'mymodulename', __dirname, options);

Now you may send email like this throughout your module:

  // from
  { fullName: 'Our Company', email: '' },
  // to
  // Nunjucks template for the subject line
  'Your request to reset your password on {{ host }}',
  // Nunjucks template in this module for the actual email.
  // Must have both .html and .txt versions
  // Data to pass to the template
    url: 'http://amazing.stuff'
  function(err) { ... }

Understanding the Parameters

Request Object

"req" is the request object and must be present.

Sender ("from")

"from" is the full name and email address of the sender. You may pass a string formatted like this:

Bob Smith <>

Or an object with email and "fullNameproperties; or an object with "email" and "title" properties; or req.user; or apersonobject fromapostrophe-people`.

You may omit the "from" argument and set it via configuration in app.js instead as described below.

If you omit it AND don't configure it, you'll get a terrible "from" address! You have been warned!

Recipient ("to")

"to" works just like "from". However, it is required and there are no options for it in app.js.

Subject Line

The fourth argument is the subject line. It is rendered by nunjucks and can see the data you pass in the sixth argument and other variables as described below.

It is easy to override the subject in app.js as described below.

Template Name

The fifth argument is the template name. If it is "resetRequestEmail", then will look for the templates resetRequestEmail.txt and resetRequestEmail.html in your module's views folder, render both of them, and build an email with both plaintext and HTML parts for maximum compatibility. You can override these templates at project level in lib/modules/modulename/views exactly as you would for any other template.


All properties passed as part of the sixth argument are passed to the templates as nunjucks data. They are also available in the subject line.

In addition, the following variables are automatically supplied:

host is the hostname of the site, as determined from req.

baseUrl is the base URL of the site, like:

Absolute URLs

URLs in emails must be absolute, but most of the time in your code you use relative URLs starting with /. As a convenience, will automatically transform properties beginning with "url" or ending in "Url" into absolute URLs before passing your data on to the templates. This rule is applied recursively to the data object, so an array of events will all have their .url properties made absolute.

Sending Email In Tasks

The req object used in tasks will generate the correct absolute URLs only if you add a "baseUrl" property to it, which should look like:

Note there is no slash after the hostname.


The final argument is a standard node callback function and will receive an error if any takes place.

Configuration: Easy Overrides

For these features to work, your module must set self._options or self.options to the options object it was configured with. This happens automatically for everything derived from apostrophe-snippets.

When you configure your module, pass an object as the "email" option, with sub-properties as described below.

Overriding the Subject

The subject line can be overridden in app.js when configuring your module. If the template name (fifth argument) is "resetRequestEmail", then the option "resetRequestEmailSubject" overrides the subject.

Overriding the "From" Address at the module level

If the "from" option is a string or is absent, and the template name is "resetRequestEmail", then the "resetRequestEmailFrom" option determines who the email comes from, if present.

If there is no such option then the "from" option passed when configuring your module determines who the email comes from. This allows you to set a single fallback "from" address for all email in your module.


// in app.js

modules: {
  // other stuff, then...
  mymodule: {
    email: {
      from: 'Great Philly Schools <>'

You can also set a default "from" address for all email in your entire application. In app.js that looks like:

  // other configuration
  mailer: {
    // transport and transportOptions may also be here
    from: 'Great Philly Schools <>'
  modules: { ... etc ... }

Note the use of the mailer key rather than email.

If this option is not set at any level, and the from argument is omitted when calling, then the email comes from:

Do Not Reply <>

But this is terrible, so make sure you set the appropriate options.

PLEASE NOTE: if you pass an object rather than a string as the "from" argument when calling, configuration options are always ignored in favor of what you passed. However if you pass a string it is assumed to be a hard-coded default and options are allowed to override it.

Sending email via Postmark and other services

It's easy to send email via Postmark. Just include a mailer configuration in app.js:

mailer: {
 transportOptions: {
   service: "Postmark",
   auth: {
     user: 'your-server-api-token-here',
     pass: 'your-server-api-token-here'
 transport: 'SMTP'

Note that your Postmark server API token must be passed as both the user option and the pass option.

You can also configure any other transport supported by nodemailer 0.6.x.

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