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Adding editable content areas to your page templates

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You'll notice that the various page templates, like views/pages/default.html, contain editable content areas. There are two basic types: regular areas and singletons. A regular area lets you add any number of rich text blocks, slideshows, videos, snippets, blog posts and other content types if the developer desires. A singleton displays just one "widget," such as a slideshow, of a fixed type at that particular point in the page.

Inserting content areas

Here's an example of template code to insert a named area that lives in the current page.

{{ aposArea(page, 'content1') }}

The page object is made available to your page templates by Apostrophe. The name content1 indicates that we are addressing a particular named content area within the page. It's possible to pass options via a third parameter.

You can use that third parameter to create a text-only area:

{{ aposArea(page, 'content1', { textOnly: true }) }}

You can also remove text items from the area completely, allowing only widgets like slideshows:

{{ aposArea(page, 'content1', { richText: false }) }}

You can also limit the set of controls offered to the user. The controls option takes a list of rich text editor controls and widget names as explained below:

{{ aposArea(global, 'footer', {
  controls: [ 'style', 'bold', 'italic', 'createLink', 'image', 'video' ]
}) }}

One more trick: you can limit the number of items in an area.

{{ aposArea(page, 'content1', { limit: 5 }) }}

Apostrophe controls

There are two types of controls: those that influence the rich text editor and those that introduce "widgets" like slideshows. Both can appear on the controls list.

Rich text controls

  • style: the style menu, which offers heading levels, etc.
  • bold and italic: you know what these are!
  • createLink: allows the user to add a hyperlink.
  • unlink: breaks a hyperlink.
  • insertUnorderedList: creates a bulleted list (a ul element).
  • insertTable: creates an HTML table.

You may also insert any standard CKEditor toolbar control.


Here's a list of widgets available in Apostrophe. Users can add these to any content area to pull in content from other places on the site and elsewhere, display slideshows and so on.

  • slideshow: lets the user select one or more images.
  • buttons: much like the slideshow, but suitable for creating links.
  • video: allows video from YouTube, Vimeo and other sites to be easily embedded.
  • files: allows the user to download files.
  • pullquote: a "pull quote" displayed to the side of the text.
  • html: the raw HTML widget. We do not recommend giving your users access to this unless absolutely necessary, as it can easily break your page design.
  • blog: a feed of blog posts from your own site.
  • rss: an RSS feed (if the apostrophe-rss module is in your project).
  • twitter: a Twitter feed (if the apostrophe-twitter module is in your project). TODO: configuration notes re: API key.

Passing options to widgets

Just add a property with the same name as the widget and pass options relevant to that widget:

{{ aposArea(page, 'content1', { slideshow: { limit: 3 } } ) }}

See also slideshow options.

If you're interested in creating new widgets, check out creating custom widgets.

Rich text styles

If the styles control is present, you can also adjust the elements that it offers. Each "style" must be a legitimate HTML block element name.

For example:

{{ aposArea(global, 'footer', {
  styles: [ { value: 'div', label: 'Normal' }, { value: 'h3', label: 'Heading' }]
}) }}

Custom classes in rich text styles

CKEditor allows you to give these elements a class name by adding the attributes.class option. This requires some additional configuration on the server.

{{ aposArea(global, 'footer', {
  styles: [
    { value: 'div', label: 'Normal' },
    { value: 'h3', label: 'Blue Heading', attributes: { class: 'blue-text' } }
}) }}

When rich text content is saved in Apostrophe it is sanitized so that potentially harmful classes and elements are removed. By default it removes all classes from tags, so you must explicitly allow your new class to pass through the sanitizer.

In your app.js configuration:

sanitizeHtml: {
  allowedClasses: {
    'h3': ['blue-text']

Specifying classes allows you to add more than one version of a single element. When doing this, make sure to include an attributes.class property for each one, even if it doesn't have a class.

{{ aposArea(global, 'footer', {
  styles: [
    { value: 'div', label: 'Normal' },
    { value: 'h3', label: 'Heading', attributes: { class: 'normal-heading' } },
    { value: 'h3', label: 'Blue Heading', attributes: { class: 'blue-text' } }
}) }}

Inserting singletons

Here's an example of template code to insert a standalone slideshow widget, with no "add content" button for adding more widgets at that location:

{{ aposSingleton(page, 'splash', 'slideshow') }}

You may pass a fourth argument containing options to be passed to that particular widget.

Next: Creating new page templates →