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Advanced Server Side Topics: Part 2

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Manipulating snippet objects in the database

The following methods are convenient for manipulating snippet objects:

self.get(req, criteria, options, callback), as described earlier, retrieves snippets. self.getOne takes the same arguments but invokes its callback with just one result, or null, as the second argument.

self.putOne(req, oldSlug, snippet, callback) inserts or updates a single snippet. If you are not potentially changing the slug you can skip the oldSlug argument.

These methods respect the permissions of the current user and won't allow the user to do things they are not allowed to do. They should be used in preference to directly manipulating the self._apos.pages collection in most cases.

The self.putOne method also invokes self.beforePutOne method and self.afterPutOne methods, which always receive the parameters req, oldSlug, options, snippet, callback. This is a convenient point at which to update denormalized copies of properties or perform a sync to other systems. These methods differ from beforeSave in that they are used for all operations in which you want to update a snippet, not just when a user is editing one via the "Manage Snippets" dialog or importing them from CSV.

Pushing our JavaScript and CSS assets to the browser

Great, but how do our editor.js and content.js files make it to the browser? And what about the various templates that are instantiated on the browser side to display modals like "New Blog Post" and "Manage Blog Posts?"

The answer is that the snippet module pushes them there for us:

self.pushAsset('script', 'editor');
self.pushAsset('script', 'content');
self.pushAsset('template', 'new');
self.pushAsset('template', 'edit');
self.pushAsset('template', 'manage');
self.pushAsset('template', 'import');

As explained in the documentation of the main apostrophe module, the pushAsset call schedules scripts, stylesheets and templates to be "pushed" to the browser when building a complete webpage. Scripts and stylesheets are typically minified together in production, and templates that are pushed to the browser in this way are hidden at the end of the body element where they can be cloned when they are needed by the apos.fromTemplate method. And since we specified our own directory when setting up the dirs option, our versions of these files are found first.

So you don't need to worry about delivering any of the above files (editor.js, editor.less, content.js, content.less, new.html, edit.html, manage.html, and import.html). But if you wish to push additional browser-side assets as part of every page request, now you know how.

You can also push stylesheets by passing the stylesheet type as the first argument. Your stylesheets should be in .less files in the public/css subdirectory of your module. Be sure to take advantage of LESS; it's pretty brilliant. But plain old CSS is valid LESS too.

Saving Extra Properties on the Server

Remember, this is the hard way, just use addFields if you can.

Now that we've introduced extra properties, and seen to it that they will be included when a new blog post is sent to the server, we need to enhance our server-side code a little to receive them.

The server-side code in apostrophe-blog/index.js is very similar to the code we saw in the browser.

We can store our new properties via the self.beforeSave method:

var superBeforeSave = self.beforeSave;

self.beforeSave = function(req,data, snippet, callback) {
  snippet.publicationDate = self._apos.sanitizeDate(data.publicationDate, snippet.publicationDate);
  return superBeforeSave(req,data, snippet, callback);

If you need to treat new and updated snippets differently, you can override beforeInsert and beforeUpdate.

Notice that we call the original version of the beforeSave method from our superclass. Although apostrophe-snippets itself keeps this method empty as a convenience for overrides, if you are subclassing anything else, like the blog or events modules, it is critical to call the superclass version. So it's best to stay in the habit.

Note the use of the apos.sanitizeDate method. The apostrophe module offers a number of handy methods for sanitizing input. The sanitize npm module is also helpful in this area. Always remember that you cannot trust a web browser to submit valid, safe, correct input.

Apostrophe's philosophy is to sanitize input rather than validating it. If the user enters something incorrect, substitute something reasonable and safe; don't force them to stop and stare at a validation error. Or if you must do that, do it in browser-side JavaScript to save time. Is the slug a duplicate of another snippet's slug? Modify it. (We already do this for you.) Is the title blank? Provide one. (We do this too.)

"What about areas?" In our earlier example we introduced an Apostrophe content area named parking as part of a snippet. Here's how to sanitize and store that on the server side:

// Transportation is an area, ask snippet/index.js to process it for us automatically
self.convertFields.push({ type: 'area', name: 'transportation' });

Important: you don't need to do this as part of your self.beforeSave override. You register it just once in your constructor, after calling the snippet module constructor that provides the service.

Always keep in mind that most fields don't need to be integrated into a beforeSave method and can just be implemented using the addFields schema feature.

Extending the get method to support custom criteria

So far, so good. But what if we want to limit the blog posts that appear on the index page to those whose publication date has already passed? While we're at it, can't we put the blog posts in the traditional descending order by publication date?

Those are very reasonable requests. Here's how to do it. Once again we'll use the super pattern to extend the existing method:

// Establish the default sort order for blog posts
var superGet = self.get;

self.get = function(req, userCriteria, optionsArg, callback) {
  var options = {};

  extend(true, options, optionsArg || {});

  if (options.publicationDate === 'any') {
    delete options.publicationDate;
  } else if (!options.publicationDate) {
    options.publicationDate = { $lte: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') };
  } else {
    // Custom criteria were passed for publicationDate

  if (!options.sort) {
    options.sort = { publicationDate: -1 };
  return, req, userCriteria, options, callback);

The get method accepts an options argument, an object which eventually becomes a set of criteria to be passed as the first argument to a MongoDB find() call. Here we start by coping the entire options object with the extend function, which is available via the extend npm module.

"Hang on a second! Why are we copying the options?" Because we're going to change them. And when you pass an object in JavaScript, you're not copying it. Which means that if you modify it, the original is modified. And the code that's calling our function might not like that. So we copy the options before we start to alter them.

We begin by checking for a special case: if publicationDate is set to any, we actually do want to see unpublished blog posts. So we remove the property from the options object so it doesn't get passed to MongoDB. This option is used when implementing the admin interface, as you'll see below.

Next we set up the default behavior: if no publicationDate option has already been specified, we set it up as a MongoDB query for dates prior to or equal to today's date. (See the documentation of the moment npm module, used here to format a date in the correct way to compare it to our publication dates.)

Finally, if no sorting criteria have already been specified, we specify a sort in reverse order by publication date (the traditional order for a blog).

Finally we invoke the original version of the get method.

When the manage dialog and the public should see different things

An editor managing blog posts through the "Manage Blog Posts" dialog needs to see slightly different things than a member of the public. For instance, they should see posts whose publication date has not yet arrived.

The snippets module provides an addApiCriteria method for adding special criteria only when an API is being called. This allows us to treat requests for blog posts made by the "Manage Blog Posts" dialog differently:

var superAddApiCriteria = self.addApiCriteria;
self.addApiCriteria = function(query, criteria) {, query, criteria);
  criteria.publicationDate = 'any';

Here we extend addApiCriteria to explicitly include posts whose publication date has not yet arrived. Since this method is invoked for us before get is called to populate the "Manage Blog Posts" dialog, we'll see the additional posts that haven't been shared with the world yet.

When Two Page Types Have the Same Instance Type

"Great, now I know how to subclass snippets in a big way. But all I want to do is present blog posts a little differently if my user picks the 'press releases' page type. What's the absolute minimum I have to do?"

Fair question. You can do it like this, in app.js where you configure modules:

modules: {
  sweet: {
    extend: 'apostrophe-blog'
  savory: {
    extend: 'apostrophe-blog'

Add both page types as well:

  pages: {
    types: [
      { name: 'default', label: 'Default (Two Column)' },
      { name: 'home', label: 'Home Page' },
      { name: 'sweet', label: 'Sweet-Styled Blog' },
      { name: 'savory', label: 'Savory-Styled Blog' },
  }, ... more configuration ...

Now create index.html and show.html files in lib/modules/sweet/views and lib/modules/savory/views.

Now you can create pages with either type. They will draw from the same pool of content (the "Articles" menu), but you can lock down the pages to display articles with particular tags.

Next: Advanced Browser Side Topics →